The Aril Society International

The Aril Society International is a group of iris enthusiasts from around the world that are devoted to promoting the aril and arilbred irises.

Aril Society International > Seed Sale > 2012 List (ordering has ended)

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A word from the Seed Chair, Lars Høpfner...
    Here is the 2012 seed list. The donors have had their chance. Now it's everyone else's turn. Please mark lots of substitutes! Deadline for sending orders is 2012-12-31.

The rules is the same as always. Orders are sent to me at Payment (after receiving the seed) is sent to Reita Jordan on the paypal account The seed orders would be packed and filled in the same order as received. We got a good supply of species seed from Israel this year. For all the rest would I recommend that you order many substitutes.

The 2012 Seed Sale is closed. Orders are no longer being accepted. This list is provided as reference material only. Thanks to the following donors for making the 2012 Seed Sale possible!
  • [KT] Kenneth Trimmer, USA
  • [DS] David Shahak, Israel
  • [SZ] Sean Zera, USA
  • [GH] George Hildebrandt, USA
  • [PT] Patricia Toolan, Australia
  • [DE] Donald Eaves, USA
  • [JM] Jeff Myers, USA
  • [LH] Lars Høpfner, Denmark
  • [YS] Yuval Sapir, Israel
  • [LR] Lawrence Ransom, France
  • [FD] Filippo Dimatteo, Italy
  • [EP] Ed Pickin, UK
  • [TF] Thomas Fietz, Germany
  • [JK] Jim Kurtz, USA
  • [JW] James Washington, USA
  • [MR] Martin Riedmaier, Germany
  • [TW] Tom Waters, USA
    OP = Open Pollinated
    CW = Collected Wild
    All the other items are hand pollinated
    UR = Unregistered
    OH = oncocyclus hybrid
    RH = regelia hybrid
    RC = regeliacyclus hybrid
    R = regelia
    O = oncocyclus
    OGB = oncogeliabred
    TB = tall bearded
    J = juno
    NR = not received yet
    ? = cannot be called an arilbred
NoTypeNameDonorSeed Year
1Oatrofusca cw Tel Arad - SOLD OUTDS2012
2Oatropurpurea cw Poleg - SOLD OUTDS2012
3Ohaynei cw Mal Kishoa, kishoa Mt. Gilboa - SOLD OUTDS2012
4Ojordana cw Sosita - SOLD OUTDS2012
5Onazarena cw Yiftah (upper Galil) - SOLD OUTDS2012
6Osamariae cw ein Jair - SOLD OUTDS2012
7Osamariae cw Otsrin - SOLD OUTDS2012
8OGB((20-90TSOL-B x Zerzura) x Unknown AB) x Unknown AB - SOLD OUTJM2012
9OGB((Zerzura x Jehosaphat's Reliance)#2 x Tel Aviv) x ((Lights of Arabia x Desert Embroidery) x Energizer)#3 - SOLD OUTDE2012
10OGB(Lancer x Desert Diamond) x Khyber Pass - SOLD OUTLH2012
11OGB(Martha Mia x Tel Aviv) x ((Zerzura x Johosaphat's Reliance) x Tel Aviv) - SOLD OUTDE2012
12OGB(Ramayana x Heart Stealer) x (Martha Mia x Tel Aviv) - SOLD OUTDE2012
13OGBAmeera x Concerto Grosso or Xerxes Pod 1 - SOLD OUTGH2012
14OGBAmeera x Concerto Grosso or Xerxes Pod 2 - SOLD OUTGH2012
15OGBAmeera x Concerto Grosso or Xerxes Pod 3GH2012
16OGBDesert Diamond x OP - SOLD OUTJM2012
17OGBFire in the Hole x either Stungun or Netted Bronze pod 2DE2012
18OGBFire in the Hole x either Netted Bronze or StungunDE2012
19OGBFire in the Hole x either Stungun or Netted Bronze Pod 1DE2012
20OGBGarnettville x Holy Moley PlumGH2012
21OGBGernettville x AmeeraGH2012
22OGBGrand Vizier x ((Lu's Child x unknown) x Noble Warrior)#2 - SOLD OUTDE2012
23OGBPenninah's Provocation x (Zerzura x Tel Aviv)#1 Pod 1DE2012
24OGBPenninah's Provocation x (Zerzura x Tel Aviv)#1 pod 2DE2012
25OGBPoint Well Taken x (Zerzura x Tel Aviv)#1 - SOLD OUTDE2012
26OGBRed Earth x OPJM2012
27OGBSand Dancer x ((At last x Luella Dee) x Energizer)#1 - SOLD OUTDE2012
28OGBSizzle x OPJM2012
29OGB-Aztec Prince x pumila - SOLD OUTTW2012
30OHparadoxa f. choschab x urmiensis - SOLD OUTSZ2012
31OHPT0108 (Shahak species hybrids) x PT0328 - SOLD OUTPT2011
32OHPT0328 x PT0108 - SOLD OUTPT2011
33OHPT1106=PT0821(Tira seed x(atropurpurea x ?)) x similar - SOLD OUTPT2011
34Rhoogiana OPKT2012
35Rhoogiana OP - next to VerhoogaKT2012
36Rhoogiana OP Pod2KT2012
37Rstolonifera OP - SOLD OUTKT2012
38Rstolonifera OP (dark brown) - SOLD OUTKT2012
39Rstolonifera OP (dark brown) near hoogiana - SOLD OUTKT2012
40Rstolonifera OP (dark brown) pod 2KT2012
41Rstolonifera OP diff. Plant - SOLD OUTKT2012
42Rstolonifera OP pod 5KT2012
43Rstolonifera OP pod3KT2012
44Rstolonifera OP pod4KT2012
45Rstolonifera OP Pod 2KT2012
46RB+RH Werckmeister's Cl#2 x RB (Vera x Earl of Essex) - SOLD OUTLH2012
47RCDunshanbe OP - SOLD OUTKT2012
48RCMerlin´s Magic OP - SOLD OUT KT2012
49RCMerlin´s Magic OP pod2KT2012
50RCTeucros x darwasica cl2 - SOLD OUTLH2012
51RCTheseus OP - SOLD OUTKT2012
52RCWerckmeister's Beauty x hoogiana light blue - SOLD OUTLH2012
53RHVerhooga x OP (next to hoogiana) - SOLD OUTKT2012
54RHWerckmiester's Cl#2 x hoogiana light blue - SOLD OUTLH2012
55Oatropurpurea - SOLD OUTYS2011
56Oatropurpurea HP ex. Rishon-Le-Zzion dunes - SOLD OUTYS2010
57Oatropurpurea HP within population ex Yagum - SOLD OUT YS2010
58Oatropurpurea mixed populations HPYS2008
59Ohaynei ex Mt. Gilboa HP within population - SOLD OUTYS2010
60Oiberica elegantissima cl. 1 x self 1½ - SOLD OUTJK2008
61Omariae - SOLD OUTYS2011
62Oparadoxa (possible forma atrata) cw, Vanadzor, Armenia - SOLD OUTTF2007
63Opetrana - SOLD OUTYS2011
64OGB((At Last x Luella Dee) cl1 x Energizer) x (Bionic Flash x At Last) cl1DE2010
65OGB(Lancer x Desert Diamond) x Afrosiab - SOLD OUTFFD2011
66OGBAbsalom's Treachery x Point Well TakenJW2010
67OGBAbsalom's Treachery x ((Zerzura x Johosaphat's Reliance) x Tel Aviv)DE2010
68OGBBurra Sahib x Whirlwind RomanceFD2010
69OGBDonald Eaves Sdl 2007-36 x Absaloms TreacheryJW 2010
70OGBHashuba x Point Well Taken - SOLD OUTJW2010
71OGBLights of Arabia x (Bionic Flash x At Last) cl.1DE2010
72OGBPoint Well Taken x Donald Eaves sdl 2007-36JW2010
73OGBPoint Well Taken x OPJK2009
74OGBScent of Chocolate x ((Blond bearded Lady x Onlooker) x Whirlwind) - SOLD OUTJW2010
75OGBTien Shan x ThunderstormJW2010
76OGBWilson Sdl (Vindaloo x Onlooker) x OPLR2011
77OGB-Eastern Blush x DuneJW2010
78OHbarnumae x antilibanotica - SOLD OUTJK2009
79OHHC43 x HS39 (J.H. 1986)EP2009
80OHHC43 x self (J.H. 1986) - SOLD OUTEP2009
81OHHC43 x sib (J.H. 1986) - SOLD OUTEP2009
82OHHR48 x HG39 (J.H. 1984) - SOLD OUTEP2009
83Rstolonifera - SOLD OUTLH2010
84Rstolonifera ' Sina Dark' - SOLD OUTFD2010
85Rstolonifera brown band on edge of standards x OP - SOLD OUTKT2011
86Rstolonifera w. large white std. Narrow rim x stolonifera white standard - SOLD OUTKT2011
87Rstolonifera 'White beard' x OPKT2011
88Rstolonifera x OPKT2010
89Rstolonifera x OPKT2011
90Rstolonifera x OPLH2007
91RB-Eastern Blush x Saffron Jewel - SOLD OUTJW2010
92RCBallalaika Music x OPKT2011
93RCOrion x OP (Maybe self) - SOLD OUTFD2010
94RCWerckmeister's Beauty x OPKT2011
95RH(hoogiana x Vera) x OPLH2007
96RHBronze Beauty Van Tubergen x OPLR2011
97RHBronze Beauty x OPMA2009
98RHMixed regelia hybrids x OPKT2011
99RHRegelia hyb. Mix x OPMA2009
100RHstolonifera x hoogiana - SOLD OUTKT2010
Copyright © 1996-2023 Aril Society International.
Created April 25, 1996 by Tom Waters.
Updated 2024 June 30 by Ted Havelka.

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